
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Are gov't globalists trying to beat nature?

As we have mentioned before, it seems that currently plans for advancing World Government, and the World War to bring it about are in high gear; all signs point to this year, 2012, as the turning point being worked toward. But why? There are many, many signs occuring in the natural world around us (and above us) which are implying that all of our lives may be permanently disrupted, and in short order!

Remember that the goal here is to use three World Wars in order to initiate a One-World Government. Yet the pieces of that gov't must already be in place and set to be implemented, prior to launching the war. And if some global calamities threatened that agenda (happening before the pieces were in place), and "they" knew about it in advance, wouldn't there be some monumental effort made to speed up the process? The links that we have today reflect this agenda, and the unrest happening in nature around us.

- Global warming models are wrong again. The whole idea of "man-made" global warming is a manufactured crisis, of no genuine merit! It is meant to bring about world gov't, and global taxation to support it. True science tells us that the warming/cooling cycles of the Earth have nothing to do with mankind's activities.

- Dozens of plumes erupt: 10 states at the same time. This would be connected to the growing earthquake strengths we have been observing; but much closer to home!

- In earthquakes of 4.5+ magnitude, 3/26 & 27 saw totals of 9, and 17 respectively. Yet the top quake of each day was a 6.0; one off the east coast of Honshu, Japan, and one in the Northern East Pacific Rise.

- Is this latest executive order a war plan preparation? This is another look at it, from a different source.

Other related articles;

- In Pakistan tribal belt, 40 militants killed.

- U.N. envoy Annan says Syria accepts peace plan, U.S. skeptical.

- Nuclear talks with Iran set for April 13th.

Take this time now seriously, and continue to WATCH-PRAY-PREPARE.

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