
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Libya update; 6/29/2011

For the past several days, Webster Griffin Tarpley (  has been in Tripoli, Libya, assessing the true situation in that nation. He has found that a solid 85% of the population are in support of Ghaddafi. NATO has been looking for some evidence of heinous humanitarian crimes committed by him, and has come up empty. Every accusation made thus far has proven false.

Libya is perhaps the most modern, progressive nation on the African continent. They have freedom of religion! And what they also have are weapons. Western countries have been trying to assassinate Ghaddafi for decades, so he is well-acquainted with the art of survival. To this end, several million assault type weapons have been distributed amongst the people; as well as mortars, bazookas, RPG's and more. They are well prepared for any ground invasion attempted. Also, beneath the governmental level, the Libyans have tribal structure, and thus are able to remain organized even if the gov't collapses.

And this is the news, which I found reported first on; that American special forces out of Ft. Hood, Texas, as preparing for deployment to Libya by the end of July. 12,000 combat, and another 15,000 in support. Full battalions are slated for deployment come Sept.-Oct.

Libya has been a thorn in the side to western interests for years. It is a strategic location for the coming World War. NATO seeks to control both sides of the Mediterranean Sea; it is a key to shipping supplies, especially oil. Libya has also refused to join AFRICOM, a partner of NATO and western interests. Both China and Russia have depended on Libyan markets and resources, and now we are cutting that off.

And exactly what is considered a nuclear war, anyway? NATO and the U.S. use bombs made with depleted Uranium; this adds weight to the bomb, and greatly increases the force of the explosion. These bombs are indeed radioactive. Our bombing not only destroys infrastructure, but the environment as well.

We need to do all that we can to stop this! PRAY. Contact your congressman. Inform everybody you can. Congress can stop the funding for this undeclared war with a vote. The President can also be impeached for violating the War Powers Act of the Constitution. Let's stop it now, while we can. It is our duty. Professing Christians, you must stand against the murder of innocent people. Another interesting note; the United Nations is also in violation of its charter! Never were they to interfere with the internal affairs of a nation. Our President is acting as a dictator, and it is again up to the American people to stand against tyranny.

Preparing for the Future

World War III will not be the end of the world. It is impossible to specifically know how the war will play out, which areas will receive the most devastation, or how the radiation will impact our lives.

Then again there is the economic crisis, which is also largely responsible for the flare-up of wars that we are now seeing. In terms of suggesting preparations, I certainly have no special ability. What I give will be only what I have learned by study, though tempered by God's wisdom. At or near the end of this blog I will list a number of other websites that we have found insightful. Research and use these resources at your own discretion, according to your own situation in life.

Many would be the professing Christian that would respond, "Well, God will take care of me." Most of the time this only means that the person has faith in themselves, or their country, and naively believes that they will somehow be immune from impending disaster. God warns us of the future that we may prepare; that is a way He will care for us. To ignore such warnings would be a sin.

Above all else, I encourge everyone to turn to Christ for salvation. He is our only true hope, no matter how things may appear outwardly. Life here on earth is destined to end, even under the best of circumstances. Please look at the article, How to Receive Salvation on our website;

1) Get out of debt. 2) Sell all unnecessary possessions, cancel services you can live without (like TV), or pare down. 3) Eliminate vacations or leisure activities, or sharply curtail them. 4) Stock up on food and water; a 1-3 month supply. 5) Sell your home. 6) Choose a good investment, some commodity. Gold is good, but you will need to be careful about the type you choose. It is likely that at some point the gov't will confiscate all the gold, like it did during the depression. 7) Keep a supply of a foreign currency, one that you will find useful. 8) Plant a garden ASAP. 9) Buy a gun, mostly for hunting. 10) Don't hold on to excess cars, or extravagant cars. What do you really need? Cars are expensive. 11) Move out of larger metropolitan areas. These will be the most crime-ridden during the hard times ahead. The largest ones will also be a target in war-time. 12) It is best to invest your money, rather than to just hold large quantities of it. Only keep enough "cash" for 6-12 months. The dollar is set to have a deliberate devaluation, which is why cash itself is not a good investment.,,,,, .

Preparations are good, but you should also be actively involved. Our situation is dire enough that it needs to be PRIORITIZED. I know some of you are very busy, and I cannot judge what you should be doing. Yet if we see all these problems around us, and do nothing, do we not deserve what we get when calamity befalls us?

This blog is pretty well now up-to-date, and the ongoing situations will be monitored and made known from here on out. Let's be diligent; with God, all things are possible!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

How real is the threat of World War III?

Certainly, there are all kinds of alarmists out there. They seem to almost thrive on fear, or thought of crises. Maybe everyday life is a little too ordinary, and something is needed to "spice it up." Jesus said that during these last days, however, that men's hearts would "fail them for fear." -Luke 21:26. We need careful discernment, and not haste, when we consider the differences between what issues are real and legitimate, and which ones are exaggerated or non-existant.

If you study the outline of what Albert Pike wrote in 1871, and then readily observe that these wars and various political actions have all come to pass, you should be soberly acknowledging the reality of this threat. You should be realizing that WWIII is not a question of "if", but when?

Only those planning this atrocity can answer the question of when. I have a sense that there is no specific time-table outlined, but it will be only when certain pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Circumstances could also alter the plan, like if too many people are becoming aware of what is happening.

There are many, many credible experts predicting WWIII, and many of them are economists. These are well aware that failing economies bring about war. If history plainly testifies of this truth in years past, how much more certain is the outcome, when the U.S. Dollar is set to lose its status as the world's reserve currency?

Most of the economists I've seen (that are predicting the war) are putting off the war possibilities for another 3-5 years (2014-2017). The  sensory evidence, however, shows that it could really come upon us very quickly. The U.S. Dollar was set to collapse in the latter part of this year. Now, just prior to that happening, wars are breaking out. It is like America and its European allies (that are also neck-deep in debt!) are fighting to prevent this from happening. Many nations and their economies have been dependant on us for decades on end, but now they are seeking separation from those economic ties, lest they be pulled down with us.

World War III has been planned. It will not be some smaller dispute that "escalates" into nuclear confrontation. Neither will we react in self-defense (though some event will be staged to give us the appearance of being justified); that is not a way to win a nuclear war- you must launch a decisive first strike (No, I am not saying you can actually win a nuclear war).

As an example, there is a plan in place for American and British special forces to sieze control of Pakistan's nuclear weapons. China has already warned us that any attack on Pakistan will be considered to be an attack on them. China has also given to Pakistan, at no cost, 50 of its most advanced fighter jets; delivery was immediate. Doesn't this make you think that the threat is real? America, mostly through CIA operatives, is creating rebellion within Pakistan to escape direct scrutiny. It is likely that we will claim justification for siezing Pakistan's nukes, stating that they are in danger of falling into "terrorist" hands. In case you missed the earlier blog, the goal in Pakistan is to split it up into 4 ethnic factions. This will cut-off the oil pipeline that runs from Iran to China through Pakistan. It will also have the effect of weakening resistance to the coming world government.

So when can we really expect WWIII? No one can be sure, except the true insiders. Yet the circumstantial events today indicate that it will be far sooner, rather than later. Think about this; for 40 years, the mainstream media kept the public on general alert for a nuclear confrontation with the former Soviet Union. Today, they never talk about it! It didn't happen during those years of fear, but it is likely to happen now during our years of confidence, when we aren't expecting it. I have seen this as a true application to events in my own life, merely day-to-day. I believe it is still true on the larger scale of world events.

Next blog; what we can do, or should be doing to prepare.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Closer Look at the Rapture

Before starting, I want to apologize for several publication glitches on my part. I am still learning about the technical workings here, and it seems that several articles had been left in "draft" mode without being published. These failings have been corrected, and I would encourage the reader to go back over the posts to see what was missing. Again, I am sorry for the oversight.

Over time, believers in the rapture have gained a pretty bad reputation, especially among the unsaved. Men such as Harold Camping only augment such negative viewpoints. Many of you are familiar with at least the basics of this position, but I will try to explain so that anyone might have an understanding of this topic.

The Bible tells us of a time coming, when true followers of Christ will be "caught up" into heaven to be with the Lord. The dead in Christ shall rise 1st, and then those who are yet alive and remain (in Christ) will also be taken up (I Thessalonians 4:13-18). Such an occurrence, and even just the thought of it, can be a great encouragement to believers in this sinfully fallen world. The point of contention comes over when this event will happen.

Probably the most popular view in our time is that of a pre-tribulation rapture. The tribulation is an approximate 7-year period of trouble and judgment for the earth. These 7 years immediately precede Christ's return for His reign of 1,000 years (a.k.a. "The Millenium"). The view of the pre-trib rapture is that believers will be called home before things get really bad here on earth during this 7 year tribulation period.

The theory of this doctrine is relatively new to Biblical Christianity. We can actually trace its origin back to the 1830s, being picked up and promoted by Darby and the Plymouth Brethren. 180 years ago is short, considering that God's finished Word is about 1,950 years old! One might well wonder how this doctrine could escape the notice of so many devout believers for all that time. The great promotion of this view came toward the end of the 19th century. Seeds of this view were sown through Scofield and his reference Bible, until in our time today it is a most popular position. I find it significant that in these last-days, the apostate organized churches cling to such a view. It is a corrupt tree; how can it yield  good fruit?

One can understand that this is a popular viewpoint. No one of a sound mind could look forward to the troubling scenarios that are revealed in Revelation, or spoken of directly by Jesus. We are God's "chosen" people; surely He will not allow us to experience such things, will He?

First we will look at the timing of the rapture. One thing was made crystal clear by Jesus; that nobody will know the exact day and/or hour of Christ's return. Jesus said that even He would not have that information, but that God the Father alone would know (Matt. 24:36, Mark 13:32). We were warned by Jesus about false prophets such as Harold Camping (he is only the latest example, not the only one). It boggles my mind how any professing Christian could have been taken in by him, when his "day & hour" prediction of the Lord's return so obviously contradicts scripture- yet apart from God's mercy, we would all fall prey to the wiles of the devil.

Yet there is another equally flawed view leaning in the opposite direction; that the time of Christ's return is completely unknowable- that His return will be a total surprise to everyone. Those believing in a pre-trib rapture often take this stance. Since this view began coming into acceptance, those promoting it were teaching that it could be "any time now." Therefore, esteemed church leaders have been saying this for some 150 years, bringing upon the name of Christ great ridicule. False teachings about the rapture/tribulation have only caused the majority of the unsaved to disbelieve it more, when they ought to be preparing with soberness. BUT THERE IS GOOD NEWS!!! The Bible gives us a definite timeline, a sequence of events by which we may pin down the approximate time of the rapture and Christ's return. And as terrible as World War III may be, the occurrence of that event doesn't really help us at all.

Even though we were flatly told that no one could know the exact day or hour of Christ's return, we (Christ's disciples) were told that we would certainly know the SEASON (Matt. 24:33, Mark 13:29). That is why we are to watch diligently; if we couldn't know, why watch? Though the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, those awake and watching will not be caught off guard! Consider the following from I Thessalonians 5:2-6; "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night... But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober."

The Thessalonians were recipients of the last days' prophecies through Paul. In the second letter to the Thessalonians, the Holy Spirit moves Paul to provide a more substantive time-line regarding "the day of the Lord"; that they might not be given to uncertainty in their thinking about it. They are told that this day will not come, unless there is a falling away first. After this, the antichrist will be revealed (a.k.a "that man of sin", "the son of perdition", and "that Wicked" in II Thessalonians 2). Verse 6 says, "And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time."

We find the same person referenced in Daniel (called the "abomination that maketh desolate") chapter 12:9-12. Yes, the reign of antichrist will be 42 months (Rev. 13:5); also called 1,290 days in Daniel- and the believers in Christ shall be here  for it all! Christians will be here when the antichrist is revealed, as shown in II Thessalonians, and they will be here throughout his entire reign as shown in Daniel.

Jesus tells us with certainty that the rapture, and His return for the battle of Armageddon, followed by the beginning of His millenial reign, will all happen on one day. Luke 17:26-37 brings this forth, and it is supported by Rev. 19:7-15. "The same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed." -v.29,30. Jesus alludes to the rapture in verses 34-36; when the disciples ask where these are "taken" to, Jesus replies, "Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together." This is a descriptive view of carrion birds hovering over the dead bodies at Armageddon; those raptured will be taken into the air, and will continue to be with Christ as He shortly returns to fight there. The passage in Revelation also shows the marriage supper of the Lamb to immediately precede this great battle.

In short, there is no pre-trib rapture coming to rescue believers from the evil days of the tribulation. Our reward, our rescue, will be eternal life with Christ, though it may well cost us our lives (Rev. 12:11). These earthen vessels are destined to die, whether it be in martyrdom or old age.

God's views on mercy are not the same as ours. It is only natural not to wish any evil to befall us, but in the end we must yield to our heavenly Father and say, "Thy will be done." Let us faithfully prepare, through the Holy Spirit, for what lies ahead.

"All things come alike to all: there is one event to the righteous, and to the wicked..." -from Eccl. 9:2

Friday, June 24, 2011

More from Ezekiel, and the Fig Tree prophecy

It was my intent to address the rapture issue at this point, but I wanted to put some more emphasis on the prophecies from Ezekiel. It is important, because so many are looking for WWIII according to the prophecies from Ezek. 38 &39, and consider it to be an earmark event to the approximate time of the rapture. In the previous blog I was trying to show that the nation of Israel today is not the one spoken of in these chapters of Ezekiel (actually chapters 34-39), and can instead be cross-referenced with the account in Rev. 20:7-9. It is the war which takes place after the millenium, with the redeemed saints that have returned with Christ. No one can figure it all out, for sure- but it goes a long way if we will only believe what God has said to us in His Word...

Look at what is being spoken about this Israel, here in Ezek.; "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you... And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them." -36:26,27.  Most believers would readily acknowledge that this seems to indicate the Holy Spirit, given to followers of Christ in the New Testament. It would never apply to Jews, or the nation of Israel; these distinctions are only physical, and not spiritual. The only thing that matters for a Christian is the atoning work of Christ, receiving that which He has done. Even Old Testament promises to the people of Israel were always conditional based upon obedience. When they obeyed, they were blessed; when they disobeyed, they were cursed. The Jews as a people rejected Jesus as their messiah, and they were rejected by Him (Matt. 23:37,38).

Let's look further; "Thus saith the Lord God; In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be builded." -36:33. This can  only be a reference to the perfected body of Christ, after the rapture and return for the millenium; yes, that will all happen in one day. See Isaiah 66:8 for backup!

Read about the attack on the USS Liberty, and the underhanded dealings of modern-day Israel. There are plenty of sites for this incident, but I picked this one as a sample; ; After you have read about this incident, just ask yourself; could this be the "Israel" of Ezekiel's prophecy? Are their iniquities cleansed, do they have Christ's Spirit?

Yet there is oh, so much more. Look again at the description of Israel in Ezekiel 38. It is a "land brought back from the sword...all of them dwelling safely." -v.8.  In v.11 we find that it is a land of unwalled villages; they are at rest, dwelling safely without walls, bars, or gates. Is this Israel today? Every male is automatically a part of the army! They are under constant threat of terrorism, Hezbollah regularly lobs missiles across the border- one that is heavily guarded, with walls, bars, gates, and razor-wire. How can anyone read such descriptions and think it applies to the physical nation of Israel today? How can those who don't even believe the Word of Truth (John17:17) "rightly divide" it? We need to start looking in the right areas for clues as to the time we are living in, and for that we need to take God's Word as it is, without the additions and subtractions of men.

In places such as Matthew 24:32, we find referrals to "the parable of the fig tree." It is common to hear many declare that this fig tree really represents the nation of Israel, and its rebirth (May 14, 1948). I also knew of many that then rationalized that a generation is 40 years long, so that these end times/rapture events would be taking place, or starting to, about 1988. I remember there was also a planetary alignment that year, and some feared great earthquakes; that Southern California might drop off into the ocean. Nothing ever happened, and rapture lovers took another hit to their confidence.

While I never became caught up in the 1988 hype, I did buy into the fig tree parable explanation. Frankly, no study was ever involved on my part. I trusted those supposedly older and wiser, or that were said to be particularly gifted in prophecy. I respected persons, and that is a sin. The problem is that there is far too much  being accepted as Biblical truth, when the Bible never actually says it. Much of this has been handed down through sources like The Scofield Reference Bible (1909). Cyrus Scofield put his thoughts next to various passages in the Bible, declaring them to mean certain things. I guess he missed a few crucial ones, like II Peter 1:20,21. Of course, were he to reverently adhere to that passage, he'd have had to earn a living some other way.

What Scofield did really was just commentary, and never should have been placed within the Bible. Many people took his comments as if God Himself were doing the explaining. These "interpretations" were accepted by a great many in church leadership positions, and they began to be taught to congregations everywhere. The result of this is like a type of brainwashing; generations have swallowed Scofield's thoughts as gospel, and they cannot see them any other way.

Let's look at the "Fig Tree" parable in Matthew 24:32-34. 24:3 tells us that for this, the disciples came to Jesus privately and asked about His coming, and the end of the world. So Christ's answer wasn't to the general public, but to those that were His disciples. Leading up to our key verses, Jesus is foretelling of events and world conditions that will come at that time...

"Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:"  -That's the parable; then just like at other times, Jesus gives the explanation; "So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."

In Mark 13:28,29 it reads this way; "Now learn a parable of the fig tree: When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors."  In Luke it is not even just the fig tree, but all the trees (Luke 21:29).

Folks, that is all that there is! There is no mystical "rebirth" of Israel inferred at all. Let me paraphrase Jesus' words; "You can always tell summer is near, when you see the fig tree (or all the trees) begin to bud. In the same way, when you see all these things I've described to you come to pass, you will know that the end is near; right on your doorstep! The generation seeing these things shall not pass away until all of it is fulfilled."
Think about it- didn't Jesus always explain His parables to His disciples? He did here what he had done every time before, postulating a parable and then explaining it. It is an absolute myth that today's "re-born" Israel is what was meant in the fig tree parable. You cannot get this from the Bible; it is an addition of men (under Satan's influence). Our enemy has tried yet another counterfeit of God's words, in order to deceive and destroy us.

Let's pray diligently that the delusion/slumber (spiritually) may be lifted from off of us before it is too late (II Thessalonians 2:9-12). We need God's mercy. Next time, on to the rapture!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

World War III in the Bible, and the misunderstanding of Ezekiel's prophecies

Believer's in Christ should always look to the Bible as their sure source of truth- all of the Bible. This truth should be valued far above and beyond any teachings of esteemed church leaders, no matter how sincere and knowledgeable they may seem. I fear that only too many of them have tried to understand everything, when there are things we must accept by FAITH alone.

My perception is that the Bible speaks of WWIII in Revelation 9:13-19; please look at this in your King James Bible. We see that one-third of men (mankind?) are killed (v.15); this is not apparently by disease, as the instruments of destruction are then revealed (v.17). We see a 200 million man army (v.16); historically this likely means China, or a combination of China & its allies. In 1968, Chinese leader Mao-Tse Tung declared that China could raise a 200million man army in a pinch. It is now 40 years later, and there are 600 million more Chinese!

To see such a number of deaths in war, we would automatically think of nuclear weapons. In verse 19, I believe we find what could be a description of nuclear missiles. We will not be certain until it happens. We don't know what Jesus showed to John. If He showed the actual nuclear missiles, John would not have understood what he was seeing. Yet the Lord may have also shown John these things symbolically, so that he would have a basis for an understandable description (Like in Daniel chapters 7&8).

There are many today that believe WWIII will begin with an attack on Israel by Russia, based upon prophecies in Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39. This view was also my own for many years, but only because I believed without question my "elder" spiritual leaders (Job 32:8,9). As I began deep study of God's Word on my own, however, I came to see this scenario as false in regard to WWIII. I must acknowledge that it is only of God's mercy that I was allowed to see; it is the Almighty which gives wisdom.

We must be wary of Satan's counterfeits. Our enemy mimics moves of God, thereby deceiving great multitudes. Both Christmas and Easter are pagan celebrations imitating the birth and resurrection of our Lord; perhaps this is why we have no Biblical instruction to observe them- only communion, our Lord's atoning death. In Revelation, we also see God sealing His servants in their foreheads (7:3); but then the mark of the beast is also given in the forehead, or hand!

In like spirit of the counterfeit, Satan has brought forth again the physical nation of Israel to the deception of many believers. As we have already alluded to in previous blogs, this Israel was created deliberately to foment strife, and lead into WWIII by the Illuminati/Freemasons; a key element to bring about a one world gov't. The war spoken of in Ezekiel is a different war, with a different Israel.

The war in Ezekiel is actually referred to in another place- Revelation 20:8. The land of Magog is indeed a reference to present day Russia, but this war takes place after the millenial reign of Christ, not before. The passages in Ezekiel simply go into far greater detail about this war.

Neither is this "Israel" in Ezekiel today's nation of Israel. The Ezekiel prophecy actually starts in chapter 34, and we find many descriptive circumstances that do not fit the Israel we have right now. King David is repeated foretold to be a shepherd, prince, or king  again to Israel (34:23,24, 37:24,25), which he is not. God claims that they will dwell safely, and evil beasts will cease, and they will not bear the shame of the heathen, and will have been delivered from them (34:25-29). Such is not the case in Israel today! I worked with a man who had done college in Israel, and he worked his fields with a machine gun!

God promises to do better to them than back in their beginning; does anyone really think that Israel today compares with the glory they once had? And the desolate land is to become like the garden of Eden; is that the climate we see in Israel today?

The resurrection of dry bones falls in line with the foretold rapture in I Thessalonians 4:13-18, and they shall have been cleansed from all sin (36:33, 37:23). This time in Ezekiel, set to take place in "the latter years" (38:8,16), is referring to the time of the millenium. The rapture occurs, and Jesus returns with the saints to the battle of Armageddon; after which He reigns here on earth with His people for 1,000 years. The Bible is telling us that there will yet be another war at some point after this (which I have dubbed, "The Final Conflict"), and it is at that time that Russia (and many other nations) shall move against the saints in Jerusalem. These events are briefly highlighted in Rev. 20, and gone over in much more detail in Ezek. Even if you didn't know (or believe) anything about how the Illuminati worked behind the scenes to establish today's Israel, the Bible gives you plenty of info which testifies to this fact! Let us always believe the Bible rather than men!

God rejected Israel as a nation, and the Jews as a people, for they had rebelled and rejected Him. In these last days, Abraham's seed are counted for the true Israel; the Israel of God (Galatians 6:15,16). We are shown this extensively in the book of Galatians, as well as Romans, in places such as chapters 9-11. All that matters in God's eyes are those which have received His Son Jesus by faith, be they Jew or Gentile. Seeing this "shift" in the identity of Israel in the New Testament shows us plainly, that Old Testament prophecies of "Israel" were references to today's church; the body of Christ. And it's the only way that many of those prophecies can make sense.

Just look at Hosea 1:6-10; God plainly states that He is rejecting Israel, yet then mysteriously says, " shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, ye are the sons of the living God." Is our God that fickle? God declared the Israelites of old to not be His people, but He will gather the redeemed remnant to that same geographic location with Christ, upon His return. Please see our website for more,, viewing the article, The Israel of God.

God wants us to be informed by His Word, having a good idea of what to expect here at the end. But we have to take His every Word, and believe it. We will be looking more specifically on truly identifying the rapture in the next blog.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Planned World Wars

The very thought of a 3rd World War is ghastly, repulsive to most people. Who in the world would want such a thing to happen? It comes from the mind of Satan, and is passed along to his followers.

As I was studying about the Illuminati and Freemasonry, along with their roles in world politics, I became aware of a plan forwarded along by Grand Master Freemason Albert Pike, in 1871. Pike was also the head of the Illuminati in our hemisphere (1859-1891). There is much info on-line about Albert Pike and 3 World Wars.

Albert Pike was indeed very intelligent; kind of an evil genius along the lines of an Adolf Hitler. He was somewhat ahead of his time in the use of a spirit-guide; a practice that has grown fairly commonplace today, especially in new-age circles. Pike claimed that it was this spirit-guide which gave him the plan whereby the world would be brought under the rule of the few, and the elite.

The outline of this plan, made known way back in 1871, could have been viewed as a prophetic forecast of what was to come. He outlined the wars, and their causes. The rise of communism, and the creation of Israel as a nation. Virtually every war in the world and its cause, from the end of the 19th century through the 20th century was entirely accurate. Of course, these scenarios were deliberately created and carried out by the Illuminati and Freemasons; it was neither accidental or prophetic! No exact time time frames were given for these wars/events, but an order of events was.

Taking it all seriously; the Bible, the war, the last days.

This blog is the 6th of this site, and is designed to bring the reader up-to-date with world happenings which indicate the nearness of World War III. It would be well for you to take the time, at some point, to read the previous 5 as well, in order to make good sense of things. This site is for anyone, but especially Christians serving the Lord Jesus Christ "in spirit and in truth." -John 4:23,24. You will be able to find more for your growth spiritually in the Lord at .

It is easy to see why many are super skeptical when it comes to talk of the end times, or the last days. Haven't men been looking for this for a long time? The Bible foretells of this eventuallity as well, in II Peter 3:1-9 (please read; use KJV if possible for most purity). Yet if you profess the name of Christ, you should take all of the Bible to be true. The only difference is that now, instead of looking back upon history and fulfilled prophecy, we are going through it!

Talk of the "rapture" has produced great disillusionment over the years, and people don't know what to think. The Bible itself holds a great deal of clarity on the matter, yet it has been doctrines of man that have caused the misunderstanding.

This particular blog is meant to serve as a transition point leading toward more truth and light on this unpleasant and controversial subject. It would be well for you to take time in prayer, and ask that the Lord will open your mind to what His Word really says; not what "learned" pastors and teachers (for whom many hold undue respect) say that His Word means. many times you will find that their "suppositions" have no basis in scripture at all! I, too, was also greatly deceived on this subject for very many years. It hadn't come from scriptural examination, but rather from listening to, trusting and believing, in supposed Christian leaders that were elder and more learned than I (Job 32:9). It is only of God's mercy, and no worth or merit of my own, that I have been enabled to see more clearly (Rom. 9:15,16).

Neither am I stating that I have it all figured out; I am far, far from it. Ours is a walk of faith, therefore it is not possible for anyone to understand it all- God is just too vast (Is. 55:8,9)! And if we were honest, we would admit that many prophecies are ambiguous as to their exact meaning; we will only be certain of it after it happens, not before. Yet we were indeed given much to go on, and told emphatically by Jesus to WATCH. So please pray seriously before continuing, and then read on. All scripture is taken from the King James Bible, and you should follow along from that foundation. The Bible version issue is extremely important, and you can find more out about it on our website previously mentioned.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Too Big for Broadway: The Staged War on Terror

Let me say at the outset that I was just as fooled as most people by the events of 9/11/2001. By 2003 my suspicions were growing, seeing how our gov't had used this event to greatly curtail our freedom & privacy. Still, it was even longer (years) until I was looking deeply into those events, and a variety of circumstances which preceded them. Mainstream media does not question our gov't's account, but have been forced to accept it as true. It is in the same way that "science" embraced the concept of evolution as true back in the 1800s, before any applicable testing could be done. Since that time, evolution has been proven scientifically impossible in hundreds of ways. Yet scientists are pressured into accepting it, and if they don't they will find productive careers very hard to come by (see

As we've already seen, World War III, and a following New World Order, have been planned for a very long time. Many organizations and individuals have been used to bring this about, but I am also sure that most are not aware of the role they are playing in the bigger picture. They are living pawns, not even cognizant of the game in which they are a part.

One of these key strategies came into play in 1971, as the U.S. Dollar officially became the world's reserve currency. Previous to this it had been the commodity of gold, but there now was not enough gold in the world to cover our debts. The Dollar became the standard, and this standard became based on OIL. It was a figurative "house of cards" that had to collapse, eventually. Therefore oil sales came to mean money and power for the United States, and there are those wo would be ruthless to maintain it.

Saudi Arabia led the way, as each of the O.P.E.C. nations (Oil Producing Economic Cartel) agreed that their oil would be paid for in U.S. Dollars. In return, the U.S. agreed to militarily defend Saudi Arabia against any perceived threat (like Iraq in 1991). Over the years great technology has been suppressed in order to boost oil sales. Yet the worst of the corruption has come through wars, with millions of lives destroyed both here and abroad.

By the year 2000, Iraq became the first OPEC nation to break with the "U.S. Dollars" for oil arrangement. Iraq began using German and Russian petroleum companies, and its oil was bought in Euros. War was inevitable, but had to be "sold" to the American people and the world another way. Consider the following tidbits from the days just before 9/11; 1) Saudi Arabia seeks to break the agreement on oil with the U.S. Due to our economic and political policies, they state that we have come to "a parting of the ways." 2) On 9/10/01, just the day before, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld acknowledges that the Pentagon cannot account for some $2.3 trillion dollars; the next day the Pentagon is supposedly subject to a terror attack which destroys the records section to be investigated. 3) The CIA provides its operative Tim Osman, a.k.a. Osama Bin Laden, with a kidney dialysis treatment right here in America. Bin Laden never had anything to do with 9/11, and died of natural causes most likely either late in 2001 or early 2002. Many credible sources have verified his death, including both CBS And FOX News agencies. By 2003, President Bush publicly stated that he was not interested in finding Bin Laden, and by 2005, the official U.S. task force specifically assigned to Bin Laden was dismantled. Stories about his death were quickly hushed up, because his terrorist image was something to be used for the continued objectives. More on that in a bit.

We can in no way imagine a gov't so evil, that it would kill thousands of its own citizenry to further its agenda. The incredible shock that went through this country quelled any thoughts of suspicion (except for a very few) in regard to the events. We were now clearly in danger from ruthless terrorists, and had to act quickly to meet the threat.

Yet as time went on, more and more questions and doubts came to the surface. Real problems with the stories we had been fed by the media. It is impossible that the reinforced steel in the "Twin Towers" would burn or collapse from jet fuel; we know this! There were some 130 testimonies recorded of hearing the explosions during the collapse; this was a deliberately staged, controlled demolition caused by thermite. Flight 93 engaged us with "valiant heroes" that kept terrorists from their objective, right? But where is the plane wreckage? Instead we find at this site only a gigantic hole, and no plane. The same problem came up at the Pentagon; where's the plane's pieces? This part of the incredible attack has long ago been thoroughly debunked. This part may have well been the sloppiest, since the sudden need for the attack only arose the day before, with the missing $2.3 trillion dollars. The alleged terror attacks of 9/11 were used to stage a pretext for war in the Middle East; a goal that will only be fully achieved through WWIII.

Since 9/11, the U.S. (and NATO) has been strategically encircling Russia and China; positioning troops and missiles, and cutting off their resources. It is the ultimate preparation for a nuclear showdown, which will no doubt come under another false accusation, even as "weapons of mass destruction" was falsely used against Iraq. Nuclear war will not come as an accident, but deliberately. Those planning this event actually believe America can win a nuclear war; through a decisive first strike, and then to shoot down any remaining missiles that get launched against us.

So what was the goal regarding Bin Laden? It can, of course, be used to stage more "terror" events and claim they are being done in retalliation; this would justify any new military ventures we would take. The real goal, however, is the destruction of Pakistan. We are even using the terrorist Taliban to aid us in this venture. Pakistan serves as an oil pipeline from Iran into China. CIA operatives are busy working within the Middle East to foment strife, yet it will appear to be only disputes among the regional factions- foreign intervention will be difficult to prove.

As of right now, America is engaged in five wars; Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Libya. Troops are about to be sent into Libya, while Pakistan & Yemen are being bombed in drone attacks. We are now sending warships to Syria due to their supposed humanitarian crisis. Syria is closely allied with Iran, and the Hezbolla (sp?) in Lebanon. Russia is also an ally, and for that we have sent a warship into the Black Sea, as a show of strength against anything Russia might consider doing. Israel also could sieze upon the moment to find accusation against Iran, and take military action. Do you see how volatile this situation is? The 5 wars we are involved in could easily become 6-8 wars in the near future.

It really all goes back to 9/11; this was the beginning. The American Dollar is set to collapse, and war is usually the response by a nation in economic turmoil. Much good info can be found at, and also at Are there actions that can be taken to stop this? Yes, but first people must be willing to acknowledge the truth behind the threat. Wake up! Let people know what is going on- contact your congressman, tell him you want our troops to come home. Tell him also, no to budget increases. As Webster Tarpley says, "It's time to get active, or get radioactive." This advice I have given is for the general public, regardless of religious background. It is most needful, however, to commit your soul to Jesus Christ, and receive the salvation that only He can bring. The next blogs will deal more with the Christian in the last days directly, though I will also be giving circumstance updates as I am made aware of them.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The case for WWIII

The very thought of a 3rd World War is ghastly, repulsive to most people. Who in the world would want such a thing to happen? It comes from the mind of Satan, and is passed along to his followers.

As I was studying about the Illuminati and Freemasonry, along with their roles in world politics, I became aware of a plan forwarded along by Grand Master Freemason Albert Pike, in 1871. Pike was also the head of the Illuminati in our hemisphere (1859-1891). There is much info on-line about Albert Pike and 3 World Wars.

Albert Pike was indeed very intelligent; kind of an evil genius along the lines of an Adolf Hitler. He was somewhat ahead of his time in the use of a spirit-guide; a practice that has grown fairly commonplace today, especially in new-age circles. Pike claimed that it was this spirit-guide which gave him the plan whereby the world would be brought under the rule of the few, and the elite.

The outline of this plan, made known way back in 1871, could have been viewed as a prophetic forecast of what was to come. He outlined the wars, and their causes. The rise of communism, and the creation of Israel as a nation. Virtually every war in the world and its cause, from the end of the 19th century through the 20th century was entirely accurate. Of course, these scenarios were deliberately created and carried out by the Illuminati and Freemasons; it was neither accidental or prophetic! No exact time time frames were given for these wars/events, but an order of events was.

The only event yet to occur is World War III. Why all these wars? It is ultimately to destroy confidence in the national systems of government, as well as in their religious faiths. When the old world order has then finally been destroyed, a new one can be built up from its ashes. Albert Pike brought forth the doctrine of Lucifer as the only true god!

And that is what we see the beginnings of today, as war upon war is breaking out. Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia are all showing signs of violent strife. Our state-controlled media likes to call it a pro-democracy movement, which is only to appease the masses while these murderous wars are waged. All this began back on September 11th, 2001. This event set the stage for the final push toward WWIII, with the World Government that will immediately follow it up. It is my belief that the antichrist (a.k.a. "The Beast) will rise up to bring the world peace and unity after this great war. We will go over more of the war developments in the next blog.

Note: today's nation of Israel is not a supposed fulfillment of Bible prophecy. This nation is a creation of the Devil, and it was brought back into existance for the purpose of creating hostilities in the Middle East that would eventually lead to WWIII. Had Bible scholars been more faithful in "rightly dividing" the Word of truth, they would have seen this plainly from the scriptures themselves; without ever being aware of the conspiracies involved.

Mission of this blog

In decades past, many Americans have lived continually under the threat of World War III. Especially during those "Cold War" years of contention with the former Soviet Union. Even I still remember having air raid drills in elementary school. The fear, of course, was nuclear war; an event that would bring utter destruction to the entire world. Leftover radiation would certainly effect everyone for possibly centuries to come.
Today, Americans mostly feel comfortable, and believe such a threat is extremely unlikely at best. First, we lived with that potential threat for so long, that we became desensitized to it. Then with the apparent "collapse" of the Soviet Union in the early 1990's, many believed that America had won the cold war, and any significant threat of nuclear war was over. What we have to fight against, many believe, is only the possibility of crazed terrorists getting ahold of some nukes, or of some mentally unstable 3rd world nation ruler doing it. That is the way we are intended to feel.
The reality is far, far different than the great majority realize. There has been an ongoing plan to actually bring about World War III. That plan is being carried out; achievement of that goal is now coming into view.
The mission of this blog is to sound warning to the American people in general; first to the professing Christians, since it has always been the duty of God's people to warn and evangelize the world for Christ; seeking for them salvation, rather than eternal punishment. Yet the warning is also for every American, that they may yet have time to spiritually and physically prepare.
We need to pay attention, and walk soberly with Christ. We need to pray for our own spiritual awakening, for now is a time of great slumber. This is not about fear but about PREPARATION. Other blogs posted will address some specifics of how we got to this point, and hopefully tie into areas fo God's revelations for these end times.  

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Furthering the war

Several days ago, Alex Jones received inside information that special forces troops from Ft. Hood, Texas, are preparing to deploy to Libya come mid-July. A full battalion occupation is slated for October/Nov.

What we are witnessing is the beginning of WWIII. Our own government, with its NATO allies, is being used foment strife in order to bring this about. Frankly, most people are asleep to what is really happening, and the mainstream media will not report on it.

In His mercy, Christ has saved me, and called me to act as a watchman to His people. We need to cling more closely to the Lord than ever before, and spreading the message of salvation while there is yet time.

These times have been foretold of in God's Word. It is for us to believe God in faith, and then act as He has directed us to do. I will be expanding on what I have learned in the days to come, but right now the urgency of it all compels me to get word out. Please feel free to submit thoughts, info, and questions that you have as we go forward from here.