
Sunday, June 26, 2011

How real is the threat of World War III?

Certainly, there are all kinds of alarmists out there. They seem to almost thrive on fear, or thought of crises. Maybe everyday life is a little too ordinary, and something is needed to "spice it up." Jesus said that during these last days, however, that men's hearts would "fail them for fear." -Luke 21:26. We need careful discernment, and not haste, when we consider the differences between what issues are real and legitimate, and which ones are exaggerated or non-existant.

If you study the outline of what Albert Pike wrote in 1871, and then readily observe that these wars and various political actions have all come to pass, you should be soberly acknowledging the reality of this threat. You should be realizing that WWIII is not a question of "if", but when?

Only those planning this atrocity can answer the question of when. I have a sense that there is no specific time-table outlined, but it will be only when certain pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Circumstances could also alter the plan, like if too many people are becoming aware of what is happening.

There are many, many credible experts predicting WWIII, and many of them are economists. These are well aware that failing economies bring about war. If history plainly testifies of this truth in years past, how much more certain is the outcome, when the U.S. Dollar is set to lose its status as the world's reserve currency?

Most of the economists I've seen (that are predicting the war) are putting off the war possibilities for another 3-5 years (2014-2017). The  sensory evidence, however, shows that it could really come upon us very quickly. The U.S. Dollar was set to collapse in the latter part of this year. Now, just prior to that happening, wars are breaking out. It is like America and its European allies (that are also neck-deep in debt!) are fighting to prevent this from happening. Many nations and their economies have been dependant on us for decades on end, but now they are seeking separation from those economic ties, lest they be pulled down with us.

World War III has been planned. It will not be some smaller dispute that "escalates" into nuclear confrontation. Neither will we react in self-defense (though some event will be staged to give us the appearance of being justified); that is not a way to win a nuclear war- you must launch a decisive first strike (No, I am not saying you can actually win a nuclear war).

As an example, there is a plan in place for American and British special forces to sieze control of Pakistan's nuclear weapons. China has already warned us that any attack on Pakistan will be considered to be an attack on them. China has also given to Pakistan, at no cost, 50 of its most advanced fighter jets; delivery was immediate. Doesn't this make you think that the threat is real? America, mostly through CIA operatives, is creating rebellion within Pakistan to escape direct scrutiny. It is likely that we will claim justification for siezing Pakistan's nukes, stating that they are in danger of falling into "terrorist" hands. In case you missed the earlier blog, the goal in Pakistan is to split it up into 4 ethnic factions. This will cut-off the oil pipeline that runs from Iran to China through Pakistan. It will also have the effect of weakening resistance to the coming world government.

So when can we really expect WWIII? No one can be sure, except the true insiders. Yet the circumstantial events today indicate that it will be far sooner, rather than later. Think about this; for 40 years, the mainstream media kept the public on general alert for a nuclear confrontation with the former Soviet Union. Today, they never talk about it! It didn't happen during those years of fear, but it is likely to happen now during our years of confidence, when we aren't expecting it. I have seen this as a true application to events in my own life, merely day-to-day. I believe it is still true on the larger scale of world events.

Next blog; what we can do, or should be doing to prepare.

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