
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

World War III in the Bible, and the misunderstanding of Ezekiel's prophecies

Believer's in Christ should always look to the Bible as their sure source of truth- all of the Bible. This truth should be valued far above and beyond any teachings of esteemed church leaders, no matter how sincere and knowledgeable they may seem. I fear that only too many of them have tried to understand everything, when there are things we must accept by FAITH alone.

My perception is that the Bible speaks of WWIII in Revelation 9:13-19; please look at this in your King James Bible. We see that one-third of men (mankind?) are killed (v.15); this is not apparently by disease, as the instruments of destruction are then revealed (v.17). We see a 200 million man army (v.16); historically this likely means China, or a combination of China & its allies. In 1968, Chinese leader Mao-Tse Tung declared that China could raise a 200million man army in a pinch. It is now 40 years later, and there are 600 million more Chinese!

To see such a number of deaths in war, we would automatically think of nuclear weapons. In verse 19, I believe we find what could be a description of nuclear missiles. We will not be certain until it happens. We don't know what Jesus showed to John. If He showed the actual nuclear missiles, John would not have understood what he was seeing. Yet the Lord may have also shown John these things symbolically, so that he would have a basis for an understandable description (Like in Daniel chapters 7&8).

There are many today that believe WWIII will begin with an attack on Israel by Russia, based upon prophecies in Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39. This view was also my own for many years, but only because I believed without question my "elder" spiritual leaders (Job 32:8,9). As I began deep study of God's Word on my own, however, I came to see this scenario as false in regard to WWIII. I must acknowledge that it is only of God's mercy that I was allowed to see; it is the Almighty which gives wisdom.

We must be wary of Satan's counterfeits. Our enemy mimics moves of God, thereby deceiving great multitudes. Both Christmas and Easter are pagan celebrations imitating the birth and resurrection of our Lord; perhaps this is why we have no Biblical instruction to observe them- only communion, our Lord's atoning death. In Revelation, we also see God sealing His servants in their foreheads (7:3); but then the mark of the beast is also given in the forehead, or hand!

In like spirit of the counterfeit, Satan has brought forth again the physical nation of Israel to the deception of many believers. As we have already alluded to in previous blogs, this Israel was created deliberately to foment strife, and lead into WWIII by the Illuminati/Freemasons; a key element to bring about a one world gov't. The war spoken of in Ezekiel is a different war, with a different Israel.

The war in Ezekiel is actually referred to in another place- Revelation 20:8. The land of Magog is indeed a reference to present day Russia, but this war takes place after the millenial reign of Christ, not before. The passages in Ezekiel simply go into far greater detail about this war.

Neither is this "Israel" in Ezekiel today's nation of Israel. The Ezekiel prophecy actually starts in chapter 34, and we find many descriptive circumstances that do not fit the Israel we have right now. King David is repeated foretold to be a shepherd, prince, or king  again to Israel (34:23,24, 37:24,25), which he is not. God claims that they will dwell safely, and evil beasts will cease, and they will not bear the shame of the heathen, and will have been delivered from them (34:25-29). Such is not the case in Israel today! I worked with a man who had done college in Israel, and he worked his fields with a machine gun!

God promises to do better to them than back in their beginning; does anyone really think that Israel today compares with the glory they once had? And the desolate land is to become like the garden of Eden; is that the climate we see in Israel today?

The resurrection of dry bones falls in line with the foretold rapture in I Thessalonians 4:13-18, and they shall have been cleansed from all sin (36:33, 37:23). This time in Ezekiel, set to take place in "the latter years" (38:8,16), is referring to the time of the millenium. The rapture occurs, and Jesus returns with the saints to the battle of Armageddon; after which He reigns here on earth with His people for 1,000 years. The Bible is telling us that there will yet be another war at some point after this (which I have dubbed, "The Final Conflict"), and it is at that time that Russia (and many other nations) shall move against the saints in Jerusalem. These events are briefly highlighted in Rev. 20, and gone over in much more detail in Ezek. Even if you didn't know (or believe) anything about how the Illuminati worked behind the scenes to establish today's Israel, the Bible gives you plenty of info which testifies to this fact! Let us always believe the Bible rather than men!

God rejected Israel as a nation, and the Jews as a people, for they had rebelled and rejected Him. In these last days, Abraham's seed are counted for the true Israel; the Israel of God (Galatians 6:15,16). We are shown this extensively in the book of Galatians, as well as Romans, in places such as chapters 9-11. All that matters in God's eyes are those which have received His Son Jesus by faith, be they Jew or Gentile. Seeing this "shift" in the identity of Israel in the New Testament shows us plainly, that Old Testament prophecies of "Israel" were references to today's church; the body of Christ. And it's the only way that many of those prophecies can make sense.

Just look at Hosea 1:6-10; God plainly states that He is rejecting Israel, yet then mysteriously says, " shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, ye are the sons of the living God." Is our God that fickle? God declared the Israelites of old to not be His people, but He will gather the redeemed remnant to that same geographic location with Christ, upon His return. Please see our website for more,, viewing the article, The Israel of God.

God wants us to be informed by His Word, having a good idea of what to expect here at the end. But we have to take His every Word, and believe it. We will be looking more specifically on truly identifying the rapture in the next blog.

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