
Sunday, June 19, 2011

The case for WWIII

The very thought of a 3rd World War is ghastly, repulsive to most people. Who in the world would want such a thing to happen? It comes from the mind of Satan, and is passed along to his followers.

As I was studying about the Illuminati and Freemasonry, along with their roles in world politics, I became aware of a plan forwarded along by Grand Master Freemason Albert Pike, in 1871. Pike was also the head of the Illuminati in our hemisphere (1859-1891). There is much info on-line about Albert Pike and 3 World Wars.

Albert Pike was indeed very intelligent; kind of an evil genius along the lines of an Adolf Hitler. He was somewhat ahead of his time in the use of a spirit-guide; a practice that has grown fairly commonplace today, especially in new-age circles. Pike claimed that it was this spirit-guide which gave him the plan whereby the world would be brought under the rule of the few, and the elite.

The outline of this plan, made known way back in 1871, could have been viewed as a prophetic forecast of what was to come. He outlined the wars, and their causes. The rise of communism, and the creation of Israel as a nation. Virtually every war in the world and its cause, from the end of the 19th century through the 20th century was entirely accurate. Of course, these scenarios were deliberately created and carried out by the Illuminati and Freemasons; it was neither accidental or prophetic! No exact time time frames were given for these wars/events, but an order of events was.

The only event yet to occur is World War III. Why all these wars? It is ultimately to destroy confidence in the national systems of government, as well as in their religious faiths. When the old world order has then finally been destroyed, a new one can be built up from its ashes. Albert Pike brought forth the doctrine of Lucifer as the only true god!

And that is what we see the beginnings of today, as war upon war is breaking out. Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia are all showing signs of violent strife. Our state-controlled media likes to call it a pro-democracy movement, which is only to appease the masses while these murderous wars are waged. All this began back on September 11th, 2001. This event set the stage for the final push toward WWIII, with the World Government that will immediately follow it up. It is my belief that the antichrist (a.k.a. "The Beast) will rise up to bring the world peace and unity after this great war. We will go over more of the war developments in the next blog.

Note: today's nation of Israel is not a supposed fulfillment of Bible prophecy. This nation is a creation of the Devil, and it was brought back into existance for the purpose of creating hostilities in the Middle East that would eventually lead to WWIII. Had Bible scholars been more faithful in "rightly dividing" the Word of truth, they would have seen this plainly from the scriptures themselves; without ever being aware of the conspiracies involved.

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