
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Libya update; 6/29/2011

For the past several days, Webster Griffin Tarpley (  has been in Tripoli, Libya, assessing the true situation in that nation. He has found that a solid 85% of the population are in support of Ghaddafi. NATO has been looking for some evidence of heinous humanitarian crimes committed by him, and has come up empty. Every accusation made thus far has proven false.

Libya is perhaps the most modern, progressive nation on the African continent. They have freedom of religion! And what they also have are weapons. Western countries have been trying to assassinate Ghaddafi for decades, so he is well-acquainted with the art of survival. To this end, several million assault type weapons have been distributed amongst the people; as well as mortars, bazookas, RPG's and more. They are well prepared for any ground invasion attempted. Also, beneath the governmental level, the Libyans have tribal structure, and thus are able to remain organized even if the gov't collapses.

And this is the news, which I found reported first on; that American special forces out of Ft. Hood, Texas, as preparing for deployment to Libya by the end of July. 12,000 combat, and another 15,000 in support. Full battalions are slated for deployment come Sept.-Oct.

Libya has been a thorn in the side to western interests for years. It is a strategic location for the coming World War. NATO seeks to control both sides of the Mediterranean Sea; it is a key to shipping supplies, especially oil. Libya has also refused to join AFRICOM, a partner of NATO and western interests. Both China and Russia have depended on Libyan markets and resources, and now we are cutting that off.

And exactly what is considered a nuclear war, anyway? NATO and the U.S. use bombs made with depleted Uranium; this adds weight to the bomb, and greatly increases the force of the explosion. These bombs are indeed radioactive. Our bombing not only destroys infrastructure, but the environment as well.

We need to do all that we can to stop this! PRAY. Contact your congressman. Inform everybody you can. Congress can stop the funding for this undeclared war with a vote. The President can also be impeached for violating the War Powers Act of the Constitution. Let's stop it now, while we can. It is our duty. Professing Christians, you must stand against the murder of innocent people. Another interesting note; the United Nations is also in violation of its charter! Never were they to interfere with the internal affairs of a nation. Our President is acting as a dictator, and it is again up to the American people to stand against tyranny.

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