
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Elenin; The Palestinian flashpoint part 2

This continued from the previous blog.
The Palestinian issue could well be the flashpoint which fully ignites World War III, but of course this would never be admitted, were it the case.
The goal of all this is World Government, with the rule of the few elite over the masses. WWIII must happen to fully break the old systems of gov't, and establish the new. This new system is already in place and functioning behind the scenes, and they have worked for it a long time. There is, however a new "wildcard" that makes the WWIII possibility all the sooner, rather than later...

Enter "comet" Elenin. This comet (?) was only recently discovered in December of 2010, and has been gradually getting closer and closer to Earth.

In the next blog, I will specifically be going over some of the possibilities of Elenin, though I will not be writing about it today. But suffice it to say, there is strong evidence that Elenin is not the mere comet it is said to be. It could have disastrous consequences for the Earth, one such time period being September 26 or 27.

It seems clear that NASA, and therefore the gov't, believe that there is a real threat from this celestial body. If that is the case, they will want to launch the war before it arrives. You see, it will not be precisely known how this event will effect the Earth, or each individual nation; therefore it would pose a threat to the plans that have been so carefully laid, and carried out. By launching the war early, it would be kind of "leveling the playing field" among the nations.

Please prepare as soon as you can, storing up some non-perishable food and water, as you have ability. This is a realistic preparation just in everyday life, but now is clearly a time indicating a greater reason for concern. If you need to, please call me, but my next post will go over the Elenin threat; it really does have a bearing on the coming World War.

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