
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Earthquakes and Solar flares

Earthquakes are continuing at an alarming pace; the latest now coming near Vancouver Island, British Columbia, in Canada- 6.4 magnitutde. This is also along the "ring of fire" fault line.

So now along this fault line we have had quakes in Chile, 2 in New Zealand, Indonesia, multiples in Japan, Alaska, and now in Canada closer to the American border. It would seem that the U.S. West Coast is next in line for a major quake. How big it will be, the damage it will do, cannot be known. Siesmic experts say that this is a pattern along this ring-of-fire faultline, for quakes to occur all thoughout in a cycle.

We've been getting some intense solar flare activity during this past week. When solar flares hit the Earth, electronics can be greatly effected; China was the recipient of some adverse effects last month. As you may know, it takes 1-3 days for solar flares to reach the Earth...

Then my wife pointed out to me that there was a massive power outage in the Southwest, effecting Califormia, Arizona, and Mexico! It was claimed that a worker hit the "wrong switch" at the grid, and 5 million people lost their power!!! Should we actually believe that story? The media reports are entirely controlled, and concerns about solar flares are greatly diminished in their reporting- especially with Nibiru approaching!

Hype over solar flares is often overdone. Of the flares that directly hit Earth, many effects are deflected by the magnetic field which surrounds our planet. There is, however, a massive hole in this field. The truth is, we have never seen anything resembling the intense solar flare activity which Nibiru (Planet X) will ignite on its approach toward the Sun and Earth. We really don't know how bad things will get.The Sun is already in Nibiru's gravitational field, and the Earth will enter it about October 16th. 2012 is admittedly to be a year of increased solar flare activity, as per the observed 11-year cycle. NASA will admit that, but goes mute on the 3,600+ year cycle of Nibiru!

These events will have a bearing on the globalist agenda, and thus, on World War III. The scenario is laid out in the murals found at Denver International Airport; check it out!

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