
Wednesday, September 7, 2011


This past week there was a 6.8 in Alaska, a 6.4 in Argentina, and a 6.6 in Sumatra (Indonesia). What is going on? How & why is it happening?

Biblically, Jesus foretold that earthquakes would be a sign of the beginning of the end (Matthew 24:7, Mark 13:8, Luke 21:11). Yet the causes of these quakes is not alluded to, only the forecast that they will come.

Obviously, the Earth has experienced quakes throughout its history- but nothing on the scale that they have been happening recently. This year has seen a tremendous increase worldwide, but these past 20 years or so have also seen a rising trend in quakes. What might be causing this instability?

We have already mentioned the possibilities of comet Elenin (which appears unlikely), and the foreboding of Planet X; a.k.a. Nibiru. This planet's passing has already caused upheaval in our solar system, and will cause great devastation here on Earth, the closer it gets to us. We are not yet officially in Nibiru's magnetic field, but can we really be sure that it hasn't somehow been affecting us? At any rate, the majority of quakes are still occurring along the "ring of fire" faultline, which is where we might expect them.

What this article is about is really exposing the possibility of man-made earthquakes. This subject matter is highly speculative, due to the secrecy which such a possibility would evoke. As you will see, creating earthquakes as a weapon is difficult to detect and/or prove. I do believe that this is happening, though to what extent is impossible to tell.

There really are 2 approaches to this subject that I have seen; Nikola Tesla, and the government's HAARP research. Both utilize the same principles of harmonic frequency in their application.

Tesla lived 1856-1943. He was a genius, whose discoveries are largely kept secret by money interests. Tesla came up with a way to pull electricity from the air, as incredible as that sounds- but no one could get rich from that, could they? Please look up Tesla Energy on-line for yourself, for it is a great way to at least greatly reduce dependency on electric utility companies.

Tesla also is said to have invented an "earthquake machine" that he could carry in his coat pocket. The idea behind this is that all objects have a frequency, and can be disrupted by finding the correct one. The easiest example to help explain it is that of an opera singer shattering glass by her voice. Tesla had great success with this concept.

HAARP is really just an extension of this concept, though presently no one will openly speak of a 'quake machine that fits in a coat pocket! HAARP stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project. That's auroral as in the aurora borealis (northern lights), and the base is fittingly located in Alaska. It is generally accepted that the Russians and Chinese have similar projects, though at what stage of development wouldn't be known. We can think of this simply as radio frequencies. Such technology has been applied in mind control experiments, and has also been used to locate mineral deposits underground.

This radio frequency is "bounced" off of the high atmospheric layer which produces the northern lights, at an angle and intensity to bring disruptions to parts of the Earth through these vibrations. The concept of HAARP was originally designed for weather modification, yet the military soon saw its potential as a weapon, and siezed the rights for it. HAARP was originally developed under the Strategic Defense Initiative, a.k.a. "Star Wars", back in the late 1980's and early 90's. Such a weapon could truly cause mass destruction, and from far away; all the while leaving virtually no tangible evidence that a man-made weapon had been used. Some evidences of it, however, do exist...

HAARP super-heats the air, water, or ground wherever it touches. This will produce an abnormal glow in the area. Haven't you noticed the "unexplained" deaths of thousands, and sometimes millions of fish and other wildlife? This is almost certainly a HAARP-use side effect. One account I read was from a Persian Gulf resident. His area was not at all 'quake prone, but during the course of one week they daily were experiencing tremors in the 5+ magnitude range; and there was a strange glow out on the water, even at times after sunset. Late in the week, tens of thousands of dead fish washed up on the beach- showing that they had been burned. Yes, I saw the photos.

There is evidence that many quakes, and other events are directly under man-made control. I read of an interview with a high level Japanese offical. He had just signed away economic controls to the U.S. (I think it was in 2010), and the reporter asked why he had done it. The official told the reporter that he had been threatened with the use of an "earthquake machine" if he didn't! The reporter thought this a very strange comment, but after his interview came to a more public light, an earthquake ensued directly in that area!

And what about here? We recently experienced a 5.8 magnitude quake along the East Coast, centered from Virginia. My wife pointed out that it was but a short time ago, that the Virginia Court of Appeals has declared the President's health-care system UnConstitutional! Was this a punishment? If so, someone higher up in Virginia's government is sure to know, but they won't be talking!

Keep alert! As I said, solid evidence for this type of terrorism will be hard to come up with, and those involved will be secretive. But if you are watching, you'll see the possibilities. The East Coast quake was so rare, it was said to a be a once in a 100 year event!

Remember also that as Nibiru gets closer, we will see more and more earthquakes that are clearly not man-made. Yet when this circumstance becomes obvious to all, government could use Nibiru as a convenient cover for deliberately creating quakes in targeted areas. Tehran, Iran, is situated upon a significant fault-line.

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