
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Odds -n-ends

The issue of Elenin is really not dead. What is hard for me to do is to sift through all the available info, and try to find what's credible- obviously, I have no technichal means for viewing comet (?) Elenin, nor do I have the education to decipher what I would then see. If Elenin was indeed causing earthquakes, I didn't think this something to fear. If we could actually see a "cause and effect" relationship which helped us to predict an earthquake, or even just a more likely time when one would occur, wouldn't that be a good thing? Isn't that better than being blindsided by such an event?

We are seeing an incredible rise in the number of quakes, world-wide. Elenin does not seem to be the culprit behind this, but there is still mystery surrounding this "comet." Many think that Elenin is the Blue Kochina of Hopi Indian prophecy; the Red Kochina will follow the B.K., and that will be Nibiru.

Others are claiming that Elenin is a spaceship. There is considerable evidence to support this supposition; please don't shoot the messenger! Instead, I'd like to refer you to a site which has good info on this topic, which is  .

Where do I stand on this possibility? My view has a Biblical bias, to be sure! I do not believe in aliens or evolution- having extensively studied this, and I know that evolution is false science. TRUE science supports absolutely God's creation, and nothing could ever exist by mere "chance." Evolution theory, rather than being scientific, actually exists in opposition to scientific principles. It is a fairy tale; wishful thinking for those who want to believe that they can live like they please, without having to answer to a supreme being.

All that being said, through studies of God's Word, I definitely can find allowance for possible spaceships, or that the creatures God created could have been active on other worlds, with technology far beyond what we now have. The big concern in all of this is that Satan may try to deceive the world by revealing himself to the world, arriving in a spaceship, all the while falsely claiming to be Christ! People tend to get dazzled by such "signs & wonders", and suddenly lose awareness that this is what God's Word has been foretelling all along! Please examine it for yourself- I am not foretelling the way it will all play out, I am merely watching, and warning.

You will also find earthquake reports on this site I've mentioned; you will see that the Earth is very siesmically active, beyond what corporate media reports.

There is also a link here to a short article on 9/11. Why consider this event now, after 10 years? Because our lives have become built around 9/11; the purported "war on terror", the great loss of our liberties, the invasion of our privacy, and all the wars we wage have this event as a foundation. If this event collapses, all of our other reasoning becomes baseless.

Take care, and keep watching.

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