
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Iran attack; point summary and speculation, 4/8/2012

Please view the following article/link;

- U.S.-Israel attack on Iran: the myth of limited warfare.

Yes, the attack on Iran is not an "if", but a when. In view of this recent article, it seemed that it might be appropriate to sum-up some of the news, and possibilities concerning this coming war.

To say that this war will be devastating for the world, is an understatement in the extreme. Yet such is the plan that the Illuminati/Freemasons are deploying. The objective in it it all is the destruction of the current system of independent nations, to be openly replaced by the New World Order; a one-world gov't that is already in place, and in control behind-the-scenes.

You've heard it said that the attack on Iran will precipitate World War III. This is definitely a part of the plan, though how it will progress after the initial attack is an unknown. I'm not too confident that even the powers planning this know exactly what is going to happen, and how!

Israel is, of course, the "flash-point" igniter of this war- as was announced in intention through Albert Pike's spirit guide back in 1871. The proclaimed purpose of this pre-emptive attack is to prevent Iran from making nuclear weapons, and to even keep them from being able to develop them. The info that I've looked at shows that such a purpose is just a smokescreen excuse for launching the war, just like the "weapons of mass destruction" alleged in the Iraq invasion. The underlying objective here, however, is world war and world government.

Many, many world leaders are "in on" the game plan, fulfilling their roles, playing their parts. While Iran has every right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, it has not stepped beyond its desired bounds, seeking to develop weapons. The info that we have is that Iran already has nuclear weapons; provided for them by China and/or Russia. When attacked, they will respond with them- thus leading to at least a limited nuclear exchange in the Middle East. Just think; if it were generally known that Iran has nukes, that would be a deterrant to war, and take away the reasoning behind it! So why is it such an apparent secret? Because the global elite want war to bring about their objectives, and also reduce population. At some point after this "limited" nuclear war, the conflict will grow to become world-wide. That is the stated goal behind the scenes, but logically it could escalate much more quickly.

So how will the U.S. fare? We have a great many advanced weapons that are unknown to our enemies, and the general public. This doesn't make us impervious to attack, any more than Nazi Germany's advanced weapons could bring them victory in WWII. I believe that America will also be destroyed as a nation, in keeping with the overall intended purpose to bring about world gov't. But how that will come about is a big question mark. It could come via sneak attack by China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, or some other nation we've angered (a very big list!). Yet it could also come through solar flares and earthquakes, with the much anticipated approach of Planet X later this year. Vast underground facilities have been built across the U.S. in anticipation of weathering out nuclear attacks or solar storms, with 2012 being the focal year.

The Iran attack could be initiated through a false flag event; perhaps even a nuclear false flag. I really hope not. Either that, or some provocation that causes Iran to use a nuke; for which we retaliate in all-out war. The state controlled media has been doing its job in swaying our sentiments against Iran.

It is possible that this war is being put off until later this year (September or later), and any time that we can gain is something to be taken advantage of! Yet I believe that the "finger is on the trigger", and could be pulled almost anytime now, in accordance with globalist objectives.

There is another short update article following this one today.

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