
Monday, April 16, 2012

Preparing the masses for world gov't takeover

Watchman's warnings began last June as an attempt to awaken people to the reality of what is going on. Specifically, the plan for World War III, the establishment of world gov't out in the open (it is operating now covertly), and the rise of the Antichrist. Yet there are many elements that need to be "worked out" prior to a successful takeover on a global scale.

We have witnessed election fraud, media control, the establishment of unconstitutional laws such as the NDAA, seen the killing of American citizens by the president without trial, economic policies that will destroy us as surely as war, and made-up crises such as global warming designed only to promote finding a solution through world gov't (which would by no means be certain, even if the issue were real!). The list is really far greater than we have time for, but it is my hope that in these past 10 months you have been seeing enough to be aware of the real, corrupt nature of  the supposedly "God-fearing" nation we've been raised in.

Though we have seen much to discourage, we still must do our part to resist, and bring about change. Continue to support Ron Paul's campaign for president as best you are able. I have made sure that I am a registered Republican voter, and will be headed to the primaries in my state on 4/24. Ron Paul is definitely the man who should be president, and I invite you to read this speech from him, at least in part.

More & more news is clearly telling us that global warming is a contrived, scientifically baseless theory, invented only for the purposes of the oligarchs. Do not fall for it, nor support a world gov't to combat it, nor comply with the global taxation they want to initiate, using this fraud as a basis.

This last I include mostly as a point of interest; it is a Titanic conspiracy theory. Though nothing about this could ever be proven, I have seen enough "elimination" of opponents by globalists to know that they somehow pulled this off! It is sickening. I'll let you read this and ponder.

"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." -W. Churchill.

Active updates of this blog will cease after 4/18/2012. It is time to take action; to prepare. The blog itself will remain for your referrences, but hopefully by now all can be convinced of our dire situation, due to the info contained within this blog. WATCH-PRAY-PREPARE.

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