
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Syrian conflict reaching a climax

The Western-backed, Israeli-directed "uprising" in Syria is reaching a climax. This is viewed as a necessary step before the attack on Iran!
Yesterday I was raising the question, if an attack on Syria will really be avoided. President Assad has shown great cooperation in addressing foreign demands, yet his military must remain actively engaged in defending itself, and the citizenry. As you will see from the progression of these articles, listed in the order of their posting, it at least seems that some greater type of military engagement is favored. If that is the case, and it is followed through, the attack would seek to destroy much of Syria's miltary capacity.

- Syria clashes complicate peace mission.
- Syria needs time for safe army withdrawal, says official.
- Syria says it won't be the first to lay down arms.
- Clinton doubts that Syria's Assad is interested in peace.

In other WWIII related articles;

- Afghan police officer kills 9 comrades as they sleep.
- U.S. drones kill 9 in Pakistan, Yemen.
- 10 militants killed in NW Pakistan.

- Six al-Shabab fighters killed in South Somalia.
- U.S. terror drone kills 18 in Somalia.

In our only link today, information on President Obama's eligibility as per the investigation run by Arizona's Sheriff Arpaio. This video is about 85 minutes long, but I strongly encourage our readers to view at least some of it; that you may get a better perspective on the corrupt nature of the current administration, and the overall politics which lead our nation. This is SERIOUS, serious business! Our President has been rushing us headlong into World War III, and destroying countless thousands of lives in the process.

In 'quakes of 4.5+ magnitude;
- 3/30 had 19, with a 5.4 offshore of Chiapas, Mexico.
- 3/31 had 12, and a 5.4 in Tonga.

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