
Friday, February 17, 2012

Awaken to state-controlled politics

If you've been following this blog for a while, then you will be aware that I don't think there will be a presidential election this year. The system is well in place for declaring a state of emergency, and then suspending the election indefinitely. Between the threats of economic collapse, Middle East wars, and threats from outer space, to me it seems that the "writing is on the wall" (See the book of Daniel, chapter 5.) Not only that, but our heavy-handed way of dealing with other nations opens us up to pre-emptive attacks    by those countries that we have mistreated and abused; this allows for many possibilities.

Even so, we must continue on in our daily lives, doing that which is our duty, and praying for God's mercy. We support Ron Paul, and are thankful that we at least have even one decent candidate. And yet, he will not be allowed to win; no, not even just one state during the primaries. There is a tremendous media "blackout" of Dr. Paul, as well as massive voting fraud (which has gone on for years). It has been my hope that at the very least, all of this fraud, and media corruption would at last be exposed and awaken sleeping Americans. That they would at last see that we are not at all in a "free" democratic society, but in a socialist state.

The link provided is from Charlotte Iserbyt, who has a great work on, with this specific piece related in the 1st 9 minutes about the Maine caucuses, & Ron Paul voting. I  myself have seen;
 - A respected journalist report on the GOP candidates, at a time when polls had Ron Paul clearly in 2nd behind Romney. She reported on the % of support for the candidates, but Ron Paul was not even mentioned- as if he didn't exist!

- At a South Carolina debate forum, with just the 4 candidates remaining, Ron Paul was ignored by the moderator especially on 2 health-related questions; Ron Paul IS a doctor! On both of these questions, there were those in the audience that screamed out for Dr. Paul to be given the chance to speak, and then the moderator had to allow it.

- How did Santorum ever tie for 1st place with Romney in Iowa? Just 3 days earlier, he was nowhere close in the polls, and his gatherings never had more than about 100 people. Then all of a sudden he "surges" in the polls, and surpasses Paul, and ties Romney? We are looking at RIGGED elections, people! It has already been proven that both the 2000 & 2004 elections were fraudulent.

- The other day we saw a headline article about Ron Paul, but with a picture of Mitt Romney promoting it! Can't you see that we are being conditioned?

We have been conditioned, however, to accept what is unacceptable. Even if Ron Paul is elected, the American people need a spiritual revival; a vast change of heart into how they look at things, and behave themselves. How can anyone joyfully accept the war-mongering of all the other candidates, and their president? Why is Ron Paul being called dangerous for promoting the U.S. Constitution, balancing the budget, shrinking the gov't, and ending wars? Why did the Israeli lobbies invite everyone except Ron Paul to their event dinner?

We have been deliberately dumbed down, to the point where many actually believe that Obama has done a good job as president! Are we that accustomed to lies, that we think he is okay? How can these other candidates have any kind of real voter support, when they are just variants of the same corruption that has overtaken our nation? Do you realize that 93 out of 100 U.S. senators voted for the indefinite detention bill? What does that say about our nation's leaders? Moreover, it was the president that clandestinely pushed for the bill initially, to make it seem to be from congress. Then he "threatens" to veto it, but of course goes along with it in the end!

My conclusion? We are in DEEP trouble! Turn to the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer & repentance, and support Ron Paul as best you are able. We need far more than just a Ron Paul presidency would bring, but it would be a good place to start. No temporal thing here will matter in the end, except what you have done with the sin-atoning gift of God's only Son, Jesus Christ.

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