
Friday, July 29, 2011

Fostering hatred for World War III

Have you noticed the growing contempt between Arab nations and Western Civilization? It's part of the plan! Essentially, it is the Judeo-Christian block vs. Islam. Almost in perfect unison, with one voice, Middle Eastern countries are uniting against our influence. Military intimidation is virtually the only way we can hold on...

Yet you will have noticed the great anti-Islamic message being repeated in mainstream media. Terrorism has become virtually synonymous with Islam here in the West, while imperialist brutalities are readily associated with the "Christian" West for most Muslims.

The truth is not nearly so extreme. There are really very few extremist Muslims that would be inclined toward terrorism; although our own brutal actions tend to increase these hostile attitudes. It is also not the desire of an average American or Christian to impose our way of life onto anyone; but our gov't is out of control, and we are continually told of the need for fighting against Muslim extremists. Christians, Muslims, we are being had!

This is kind of a  psychological war being promoted in the media, conditioning our emotions toward a supposed enemy. This is meant to induce public support for a war that they intend to wage. It is an old technique, and was even used to bring about our own Civil War. Fuel was poured upon the red-hot issue of slavery until there was nearly a genuine hatred between North and South. Yes, our own Civil War was induced upon us from foreign interests, just as we are now bringing about strife in so many nations. Muslims and Jews/Christians are being conditioned to hate or suspect one another, just as the North and South were conditioned in their views of one another.

Don't fall for it! Learn to love your neighbor as yourself, and be not quick to judge a book by its cover. If there is to be any hope for overcoming these violent evils, it will lie with the common citizens to get along well, treating one another with respect. Recognize these brainwashing ideologies of the media, and overcome them with a sound mind.

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