
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Update: 7/14/2011

Tensions are certainly mounting in the Middle East, but your state-controlled media won't be reporting on it. Remember that the Illuminati/Freemasons created the current nation of Israel in order to foment strife, leading into World War III. This war is the last one planned, seen as the final step necessary toward world gov't. Yes, that gov't has already been in place for many years, and is just waiting for the right time to come forward.

Among the headlines I've seen are;
-2 U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan kill 25
-NATO fuel tanker is torched in Pakistan
-Iran claims that Panetta is spreading lies (this concerns supposed terrorism sponsored by Iran in Iraq; it would be a pretext to keep American troops there)
-We are also seeing many Middle Eastern countries forming alliances against the U.S.

Our prayers to stop the war in Libya need to continue, but they are visibly bearing fruit. More reports are coming forward that NATO realizes this war is a stalemate, and negotiations are well underway. Britain and France still want Gaddafi to step down, which he now seems willing to do for the lives of his people. Libya is reporting that NATO airstrikes have killed some 1,100 civilians total; remember that these bombings use depleted uranium, thereby permantly contaminating large areas.

Among my news resources has been added, which is more detailed and accurate for the Middle East  than any standard American media coverage. Yes, this is an Iranian news source for the English-speaking.

Please continue to pray, and don't let our gov't off the hook- they are supposed to be working for us, not merely doing what they suppose to be the "right thing." Most of the time they are following an agenda given to them from outside of our nation. World gov't  is real, and it is here with us right now. Take time to investigate; is a site worth looking at.

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