
Friday, December 2, 2011

Pakistan, Syria, and Iran escalating

Pakistan related items;
- Pakistan to retaliate for future NATO raids.
- American officials are claiming that Pakistani officers ordered the strike.
- Danger: Russia could deliver death blow to NATO in Afghanistan.
- 70 Afghans injured in NATO base blast.
- Gunmen kill 4 policemen in Pakistan.
- Al Qaeda leader claims responsibility for capture of American in Pakistan.
- Another article about China's allegiance with Pakistan.

From Syria;
- Syria suspends free trade with Turkey.
- U.N. official describes Syria as 'in a state of civil war.'

Iran related;
- Iran diplomats expelled from Britain.
- Britain laying dangerous snare for Iran (severe sanctions).
- European Union expands Iran sanctions list.
- The war against Iran's nuclear program has already begun.
This last article was a main feature on, and that says a lot for a corporate media outlet!

As you can see, all 3 of these expanded war fronts are nearly ready to ignite! Russia & China are also on alert for intervention- stay tuned in!

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