
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Warning reminder 12/8/2011

The intent of this blog has always been to warn, rather than cause worry. Yes, the events unfolding may be alarming; but by becoming prepared as best as possible, you will not be taken offguard. Spiritual, mental preparedness should  come first, and that will then lead you into physical preparation.

No one of us mortals can tell exactly when the broader conflict of World War III will break out, but we can sure see the signs, and be ready! You can see that right now, bigger wars with Pakistan, Iran, and Syria are about to be launched. U.N. permission is not needed, nor will this launch date be widely announced. Russia and China have been pushed about as far as they will yield; the nuclear threat now comes into play.

At the same time, we see economies collapsing. Both Europe (NATO) and the U.S. are headed for utter catastrophe, and domestic riots will continue to escalate. Military and police have been training for this for years. Then we see the "indefinite detention" bill cruise through the senate, and just after that FEMA is activating its detention camps. Can't you see it? It's all coming together at one time, and will not have a good outcome! WATCH-PRAY-PREPARE. -------NOW!!!

On December 7th there were 5 earthquakes of 5 magnitude or greater; including a 6.1 in Atacoma, Chile, and a 5.9 in Kepulan Sula, Indonesia. Remember the quake watch videos posted? Without in-depth study, I remember the prediction that New Zealand was at risk for a 6 magnitude or higher; there was indeed a 5.3 quake in the Cook Strait of N.Z., 12/3.

Two links also to follow up on;
- U.S. deploys yet another warship to the Middle East.

- WAR CRIME: Hilary Clinton meeting with Syrian "opposition" leaders in Geneva.

Also, if you're up for it, check out Challenging Christmas from our website!

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