
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Warnings about deceit

Today I saw an article entitled, "Israel Planning 3rd Lebanon War." The fight here is with the Hezbollah group, commonly referred to by the corporate media as "terrorists." Let's take a quick look at what we are told to be terrorists against Israel, such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

Anywhere else in the world, these groups would be called freedom fighters. They fight against the criminal treatment of the Palestinians by Israel. The land of Palestine, proper, is not allowed military. It is true that Iran provides funds and weapons for these groups, for it is the only way available to help the Palestinians to ultimately end their persecution. To attack Israel directly would be suicide for Iran; Israel is backed by the U.S., has nuclear weapons, and has the 4th largest military in the world. Zionists have illegally grabbed Palestinian land, and Israel continuously violates international mandates with their expanding occupation. The conflict of Israel-Palestine is all about human rights, and we are the abusers.

Lastly, I would like to issue a gentle warning about information sources that are sometimes used on this blog. When we find someone helpful to our cause, only too often there is a tendency to grant that person more credibility than is really due. The Bible tells us that "A gift blinds the wise." Let us readily acknowledge and appreciate the good, but apply discernment for what is wrong, or questionable.

Webster Tarpley is touted as an author and historian. He provides unique, mostly accurate insights to current events, and to the events which have shaped our world in recent history. I'm sure he credits himself with a greater scope, but I have found his starting point to be around 1900, increasingly accurate over time, leading up to the present day. I am grateful for his insights, and especially his endeavors with regard to the Libyan conflict.

All that being said, Mr. Tarpley still has an agenda. He favors Freemasonry and the Catholic Church, and is very much desirous of a big, world-gov't. He likely would not admit that; but listening to him speak, with his suggested plans for the future, this could only be accomplished by world gov't. He reinforced that impression for me today, as he bashed Ron Paul for his proposed budget cuts. Tarpley does not want smaller gov't! He criticizes the system now in power as evil, and he is right! But he wishes to replace it with another system of global governance, and this could only work under Jesus Christ; not sinful man! The very systems he loves, Freemasonry and Catholicism (mostly through Jesuit intrigues), are ultimately responsible for the global collapse we are seeing. Whether or not he knows this, or how deeply and deliberately involved he is, I don't know. Listen to what he says with discernment; ask the Lord for wisdom, that you may be enabled to distinguish truth from propaganda.

Alex Jones has not yet seemed to me to have an organizational agenda. He claims to be a Christian, but he clearly is not. I think that he is vigilant for the "rights-and-wrongs" of our day, but he is strictly humanist in his philosohy. It really takes a special person to stand up as he is, listening to all the horrific stories (some true, some false; he still has to hear it, look into it, then decide!), and then be able to go home and be a loving father and husband.

Alternative media sources like Alex Jones' websites are vital for knowing the truth, and combatting evil. Yet I fear that in the end, the world gov't will electronically track dissenters by viewing the "hits" on his sites. In other words, Alex Jones expressions of "free speech" may be allowed for now, so that the globalists can spot, and deal with, "problem" individuals. Does Alex know this? This really does seem to be the best course available to us, though imperfect. However I want you to be warned, and beware!

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